We shall argue or impose force?
"Litvinizm" in Byelorussia as the political project, his features and prospect.
The aggravation of political strike in Byelorussia promotes search of the various projects, capable to change political расклады in struggle for authority. In search of creative ideas there are, at first sight, freakish theories which seize minds of politically engaged citizens. The public opinion breaks up during discussion of the attitude of different groups to these theories. There are the processes, capable to affect positions and authority as « parties of authority », and oppositions. Their political stability is shown in skill to react to these phenomena, to transform the ideology, to apply her in political strike.
The antagonism occurs within the framework of the existing state, to attraction of external forces and counteraction to potential threats. Therefore, not so it is important, what order of idea, it is important, that they can be used for influence on a society, forming for itself a platform and conditions of coming to power. The elite which is not offering to a society of serious ideology, explaining to people their place in the world, cannot be sure in the future, even having a machinery of government of authority.
At available vacuum of the intelligible reasons explaining irreversibility of the Byelorussian statehood, and, means, and necessities for a long time to build independent state structure, any experience of the past admits positive and acquires every possible exaggerations. On a fertile field of existing statehood reincarnation of the certain ideas from the past is possible. Such examples are shown by Ukraine, as though is rough and ambiguous they were not perceived in the country and abroad.
As against Ukraine, Byelorussia after disintegration of the Kiev Russia and the Mongolian route in XIII century, up to 1569г. (Люблинская уния and formation of Speech Посполитой) had the especial statehood as the Great princedom Lithuanian (ВКЛ). This fact does not give rest especially to those who at present has no real chances to receive levers of government and hopes for « effect of the butterfly » when successfully found starting point will result in chain reaction and will change a political design in their advantage.
The historical underlying reason of events of middle XIII-XVI of centuries is well-known enough and described in the historical literature, it is possible to displace only accents, strengthening or weakening value of the separate facts. Beginning ВКЛ resulted, for that time, from mainly балтской ethnic territory (pool of the top Neman), under the control of the Lithuanian princes, as has served as the name of a princedom. Slavic princedoms with the centers in Polotsk, Турове, Pinsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Smolensk, etc. did not stand in the beginning of the Lithuanian statehood, but during short time, second half XIII centuries, as well as the most part of modern Ukraine, have been integrated by energy of victorious Lithuanian princes in ВКЛ, one of the largest territorial formations of that time.
Ethnic восточнославянская the dominant began to take top already in XIV-XV centuries, but Catholic influence, is especial after election Ягайло on the Polish throne, has developed славянолитовскую to know aside Kingdoms Polands and opposition to the Great princedom typing force Moscow. Brest and Кревская унии have strengthened this tendency, and Люблинская уния has finally subordinated the grounds VKL to Poland, having left only a certain administrative independence of the territory approximately corresponding to modern Belarus and Lithuania.
Further, in structure of Poland, Lithuania corresponded to territory to the east of the rivers Nemans and the Western Bug. All шляхетское the estate was Catholic, in the language and cultural attitude полонизированным, that created a precipice with восточнославянским an ethnic file, besides orthodox on creed. At sections of Speech Посполитой in second half XVIII centuries the question of restoration ВКЛ of sample XIII-XVI of centuries did not stand any more, and revolts of XIX century in the west Russian empire were exclusively for restoration of statehood of Poland.
The concept "литвинизма" has arisen not on an empty place, it symbolizes understanding of the found statehood of Belarus, as the continuity broken off by an epoch from ON. Thus there is a substitution of concepts which are transferred to the modern Byelorussian state, modern Byelorussians, their language, culture, attitudes.
In what she will consist? Approximately 300 years existed the state VKL, пройдя the considerable historical way full of drama events and changes. During this term, the multiethnic population of this state represented the nation, as well as all others, carrying out various functions, including, protecting this state in numerous wars. Citizens and inhabitants of this state named themselves Lithuanians or литвинами, and балты, both slavs, and turkis, Catholics, orthodox, Protestants, moslems, иудеи.
Now it is offered to count литвинами ethnic Byelorussians though in ВКЛ "литвин" designated not ethnos, and citizenship. "Not having noticed" such substitution, there is a temptation to develop this thesis in opposition балтам which have given rise ВКЛ, to Poles inside which state, Speech Посполитая, after 1569, ostensibly, it is independent and is equal in rights continued to exist ON. But the most causing delimitation is offered with Russian and украинцами which are considered, are ethnically insufficiently pure to be the nearest ethnic relatives литвинам.
Transition to state symbols ВКЛ is automatically offered - white - красно-белому to flag and the arms "Pursuit" which have been proclaimed at formation of Byelorussia, and then, are replaced nowadays existing. In a language policy transition only on literary Byelorussian language which at all does not correspond восточнославянскому to a state language of times ON is supposed. Naturally, transition of the government to националистически to the adjusted elite, противопоставляющей itself to environmental ethnoses is meant, is especial to relatives. Then, ocurrence « on equal » in great democratic European family, with the moral right to teach and hate less civilized east and southern neighbours.
"Литвинизм" has not developed yet in any serious ideology, but a little who will risk to bypass or ignore so perspective project, starting from radicals and up to « a party of authority ». His elements are used as auxiliary mechanisms for struggle against opponents or as a consolidating basis for purchase of adherents. The tendency to delimitation on this basis with other ethnic groups and to pressure upon Byelorussians with the requirement to be defined with литвинским attitude is observed.
It is possible to allocate some sights of use литвинского the project:
1. Radical. Means невосточнославянское an origin литвинов (Gotha, балтославяне, венеды, etc.). Contempt for compatriots восточнославянской cultures, claims to Russia for centuries-old oppression, an appeal to a historical revenge.
2. Moderate - radical. Non-recognition of participation балтов in formation ВКЛ, assignment этнонима "Lithuanians" to slavs, the requirement to return ancient литвинские the grounds (Вильно, Bialystok, Smolensk, Bryansk). Denying at полешуков the Ukrainian originality, suspicion for local Russian aspirations to create « the fifth column », the jealous attitude to the use of Russian, aspiration to supersede it from any spheres of life of the Byelorussian.
3. Moderate. An identification литвинской cultures with Polish, histories, ethnic essence, religion, mentality. Support униатства, introductions полонизмов in the Byelorussian language, шляхетское consciousness. Denying of ethnic unity in восточнославянском the world, a generality of historical destiny, sensation of humiliation and threat on the part of Russia.
4. Moderate - liberal. Sensation of the most kept восточнославянских features, in comparison with Russian and украинцами, unwillingness to become level with. The aspiration in whatever began to keep the statehood, being fenced off from problems of east and southern neighbours. The requirement from небелорусов loyalty, sensation of aboriginals, respect литвинского understanding of a history.
5. Liberal. The recognition for Byelorussians of the right to use habitual for them the colloquial form of language. Comprehension of as parts of Europe where Russia the input is closed. The Russian statehood is considered as antagonism and threat of absorption of Belarus. Conscious отгораживание from uniform cultural space for the benefit of the features.
Among these variants it is necessary to note, that any does not consider Belarus as a part восточнославянского the world in his cultural, language, historical integration. Литвинизм as the pseudo-ethnic project, works on maintenance of split, division of close ethnoses and stagnation of the state division of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. It does his claimed in political strike, shaking of public opinion in any questions of an old and close history.
The most generated part литвинизма is reflected in symbolics, white - красно-белый триколор and the arms "Pursuit". Colors of a flag are taken as a derivative from the arms. The arms symbolizes struggle of Poland and Lithuania against the Teutonic award which deification was victorious Грюнвальдская fight of 1410. That is, behind "Pursuit" and a corresponding flag there is a nice history шестисотлетней to prescription which in 150 years has turned to the legend with loss of independence ON. Having united with Poland in one state, Грюнвальдская fight has remained event of the general history of Lithuania and Poland, but the arms "Pursuit" did not become the state symbol of Speech Посполитой.
In XXI century the antiGerman sense of the Arms, at the general aspiration of forces, his personifying to enter the European Community which basis is Germany, is strange. Approximately the same as respect of German occupational forces for these symbols accepted by the Byelorussian collaborators during the Second World war. The claim ambiguously looks to challenge the right on I "Shall drive" at Lithuania which has accepted his state symbol with finding independence in 1991.
But the true sense of "Pursuit" is shown at the Byelorussian nationalists, as the antiRussian attribute denying voluntariness of ocurrence of the Byelorussian ethnos in the joint states of east slavs the Kiev Russia, Russian empire, the USSR. In their opinion, it prevents them to be considered as true Europeans and harms to their democratic image for the introduction into the European Community.
Thus, литвинизм finds out in a question on symbols extreme политизированность, anything the general not having with historical validity or ethnic sense for modern Byelorussians. Their argument is conducted by contradiction, неприятия the postSoviet state symbols, which as, it is impossible to recognize successful. On such ground also there is a collision of political interests.
Other important item of counteraction литвинистов is the attitude to Russian. Leaning on the Byelorussian statehood, the requirement about a recognition of Russian as foreign and alien to true Byelorussians is put forward. His advanced and dominating role for east slavs, value for interethnic dialogue of all slavs and integration to the slavic world of the Altay, Caucasian, Ural and Siberian ethnoses is denied.
Апологетам литвинизма it is represented, that rise of authority of modern Byelorussian language (not historically литвинского!) it is possible only at humiliation and belittling of value of Russian that is not welcomed by the population which prefers to communicate on the habitual colloquial form with recognized accent and intonation. A language problem - the most unsoluble and unpersuasive in ideology литвинистов. The tendency similar Ukrainian, when in восточнославянский language is observed are introduced полонизмы, with hope to transform it into a transitive condition to west slavic language norms.
Whether is at литвинизма political prospects? It is necessary to recognize, that is, as well as at similar государственно-historical and religious - cultural projects. Certainly, revival ВКЛ in his essence or territorial borders a Utopia and a farce, as for a long time the turned page of a history or the river which it is impossible enter twice. Sense to repeat a bloody history of an antagonism for domination on восточнославянском a field too is not present, it is necessary to unite peacefully potential which is turned already out, including, during coexistence.
The ground, on which such project can be claimed, obvious - the Byelorussian statehood which demands additional charging in a substantiation and acknowledgement of the existence. Other component in that attraction which creates the European Community, despite of the friable condition which, however, too is attractive to the small and uncertain states in the essence.
The above-stated reasons stimulate political strike of various elites of Byelorussia for possession the government for what various ideological projects are used. Литвинизм can serve not worse others as that ideological tool not only for refined nationalists, but also « strong statesmen ». I had to hear the point of view, that when there will be a threat of loss of statehood the authority will be compelled литвинизироваться, having transferred all patriotism on this level.
It would be possible to attribute these problems on the internal discretion of the Byelorussian public, which itself it is responsible for the future development of the form of the statehood, if not one "but". Литвинизм - one of the ideological phenomena rendering damage ethnic восточнославянскому to the world, establishing internal dividing boundaries from the mercenary promptings. These boundaries take root in consciousness of Byelorussians in state, territorial, language, cultural, religious, mental and other measurements.
It is already completely not harmless, as, people which are coming to power under such banners, will carry out obviously hostile policy in relation to ethnic essence of the citizens and восточнославянским to neighbours. It is enough to address to a history to see, how division of east slavs resulted in fratricide and an exhaustion of potential, opening road to hostile penetration and losses of ethnic territories.
How to react to occurrence and development of political projects литвинистов?
First, without serious emotions and opposition of projects of Russia similar hurrah - историкопатриотических by him and Ukraine. Such reaction gives литвинистам the moral right to rise in the chapter of struggle for « литвинско-Byelorussian незалежность ».
Second, it is necessary to specify obvious substitution of concepts « nation ВКЛ » and modern Byelorussian ethnos, that is, литвин is not the ethnic characteristic of any part of modern east slavs.
Thirdly, it is impossible to concern indulgently to projects which, for any reasons, are aimed at ethnic split восточнославянского the world or replacement of any ethnic groups for his limits.
Fourthly, it is necessary to avoid political temptation to construct the European state to the detriment of the slavic essence. One results from another and not one state should not someone prove something, it is necessary to follow simply to the ethnic responsibility and to be consolidated on this basis.
Summing up this small research, it would be desirable to pay attention to that fact, that литвинизм is not any serious phenomenon of public idea of modern Byelorussia though, his most engaged representatives are people of humanitarian kinds of activity. Interest to this question from the party is clear, to so-called, democratic opposition which uses everything that it is possible to oppose today's authority.
Would be the bad attribute testifying to uncertainty of imperous elite if she began to make advances to double nationalists. It is a direct way to split in a society and to political shocks in the state, the result can be the most unpredictable and tragical about what speaks historical experience of Byelorussians. Political benefits should not contradict ethnic prospect and destiny of east slavs, their natural aspiration to unity and employment of a worthy place in slavic family and a western civilization.
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