
The Forbes has published a rating of the best Russian brands

In January number of magazine The Forbes which has already left, the rating of 50 best Russian brands made depending on volume of their retails for year since July 2006 till June, 2007 is published.

The first place has borrowed Lada. The sales volume of mark which owner is avto company of Autovases, has made 135,3 billion roubles. For the first time for two years the sales volume of the mark started in 1970, has grown - on 4,4 percent.

The second line of a rating was borrowed with a brand "Baltic" (the owner - firm VVN), started in 1992. Forty advertising rollers, maked annually, have helped to earn to mark of 50,3 billion roubles for a year. The third place has got to dairy products " the Small house in village ". A brand which has entered on the market in 1997, owns Вимм-Билль-Данн. For a year the mark "has earned" 22,8 billion roubles.

In first ten list juices "Kind" (17,8 billion roubles of retails) and "Orchard" (15,7 billion), vodka " Green mark " (17,3 billion), motor oil "Lukoil" (17,1 billion), dairy products "Miracle" (17,1 billion), and also beer "Клинское" (16,8 billion) and "Арсенальное" (14,1 billion) also have got.

The last, 50 place in a rating was borrowed with mark of sauces and canned food "Baltimore", present on the market since 1995. Retails of "Baltimore" have made 4,9 billion roubles.

It is strange, that in the list do not appear "Kalashnikov", tank T-80 and rockets S-300.

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