Nine secret before documents from archives of Russian FSB testify to final destiny of remains Гитлера and Evy Brown. From a tomb where their scorched corpses have been secretly buried with favourite dogs, remains were эксгумированы, are burnt and reset to Elba, influential Italian newspaper La Repubblica writes
Fire. The ashes which has been thrown out in the river Elba. Nine unknown persons before documents from рассекреченных спецхраном only today archives of FSB, the successor of KGB, testify that finally began with remains of scorched body Гитлера. It was known, that remains are at Russian. But it was not known, how and when of them got rid.
Now two documents open secret: remains Гитлера and his wives were эксгумированы on April, 4, 1970 in Magdeburg, GDR. Next day, unexpectedly, cremation has been lead: in area Shenbekka, in 11 kms from Magdeburg. Ashes together with углями " were перемешены up to a condition of homogeneous weight which has been collected and высыпана in waters of the nearest river ". In reports it is not underlined, about what river there is a speech, but in this area Elba proceeds. The great director of this drama and gloomy epilogue of the Second world war Jury Andropov, then still the chapter of KGB was. In 1982 after death Брежнева it became the chapter of the Kremlin.
All began on May, 2, 1945 when colonel Klimenko, the chief of a department of counterspionage СМЕРШ of 79-th shooting case, together with two German "опознавателями" (certain Lang and Schneider) has drawn up a statement, in which was spoken, that at 17 o'clock the same day Goebbels burnt bodies and his wives have been found out. Within two days Russian unsuccessfully tried to find body Гитлера.
On May, 4 " in several meters (from a place where Goebbels corpses and his wives have been found), in воронке from a bomb near to bunker Gitlera two corpses have been found out: one female, another man's ". Both were " strongly scorched and did not give in to an identification without corresponding examination ". They were " in воронке in three meters from an input in the bunker and were присыпаны the ground ". Corpses have been delivered in a department of counterspionage СМЕРШ of 3-rd shock army. After the termination of medicolegal examination all corpses have been dug in area of the city of Buh.
The document has been named " Secret-service fund (Special archive). Агентурно-search business on Adolf Gitlera ", the Ministry for state security of the USSR, the Central archive, АРХ number 300919, that 1, report 10422 (архивирован during 1948-1949). In the document also it is written: " In connection with передислокацией a department of counterspionage of army corpses have been withdrawn and transported all over again in area of. Финов, and then on June, 3, 1945 in area Rathenow where are dug finally.
Corpses are in wooden boxes in a hole on depth of 1,7 meters. In the western part of a hole there is also a basket with two corpses of the dogs belonging Гитлеру and Brown Eve. A site: 325 m from the railway bridge on a wood glade from a stone column with number 111 - on northeast... Up to the following column - 55 meters... From this column strictly to the east of 26 m. The dug hole with corpses сровнена with the ground. On a surface of a hole number 111 " is landed from fine pine trees.
During a quarter of a century of the USSR held all this in absolute secret. It were years when about flight Гитлера hearings went to South America, years of process above Эйхманном, the file "Odessa" - networks which has provided flight of nazi leaders. Moscow never answered any questions. Business about corpse Гитлера could turn back for the USSR a political boomerang. Then Andropov with the consent of the Political bureau has solved for ever "архивировать" this business. And to be released from this inconvenient relic. On March, 20, 1970 the Council of Ministers of the USSR has approved his plan which has received the code name - operation "Archive".
Operation has been declared completely confidential. In 15 days the operative group in structure of five agents under command of colonel N.G.Kovalenko, the chief of a department of KGB at the Soviet army part 92626, has arrived to area Vestendshtrasse, the house number 36, in Magdeburg, in an arrangement of the Soviet military station. There, in an arrangement of a part after withdrawal from the ground remains Гитлера and Brown have been delivered. Colonel Kovalenko has made the document in the single copy, by hand, it was the certificate testified to the certificate реэксгумации.
Three leaf the papers numbered from 1 up to 3, dated on April, 4, 1970, classification (" the Certificate about opening a burial place of remains of military criminals ") it is underlined red, and 53 lines in which it was described, that " at dredging remains developed in a box... Action on withdrawal is lead within night and morning on April, 4, 1970. The box with remains was under protection of operative workers till the morning on April, 5 when physical destruction " has been made.
In the second certificate dated on April, 5, we learn, how it has been carried out: two lists also handwritten, from reasons this time have sufficed " the maximal safety ", the certificate has been made in "single copy".
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1 comment:
Interesting. But I dont understand all here. I thought that the coprses were burried in the Westend Strasse Soviet Army Barracks in the Magdeburg town suburbs. So here it seems that the boxes were somewhere in the country side? can you confirm?
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