
Putin's plan?

Conversation of correspondent Irina Lesnichenko with the ex-president of public fund « Time of Eurasia » Nikolay Kazykbekovichem Asmolovym.

Citations in incorrect translation from LJ
Putin's plan?

« In 2005 in the Kremlin and near-Kremlin circles the present silent plot ripened. The essence of it was in releasing the new arisen elite with roots from KGB from overwhelming influence of powerful economic structures, and to put these structures under the control of new elite "forserers". That is to turn a situation. Very strong pressure upon the president of Russia Vladimir Putina went, and he is a pragmatist, the person flexible, against main-stream to empty considers irrational. It is necessary to tell, the point of view about change of strategy of authority has received the big distribution, natives of KGB were based practically in all megaprojects of Russia, they pressed on economy and a policy of the country. It was very dangerous. The tail cannot twirl by a dog. To admit such change of roles of elites it was impossible. People with чекистским mentality are not able to think economically, in state affairs they think extremely arrogantly and expediture, as old of the Political bureau of a Central Committee of the CPSU. It in due course, after the termination of a favorable oil conjuncture, could result in the second bankruptcy and disintegration of the country. That is catastrophically would break up already and all Russia in style Gorbachev of reorganization and disintegration of the USSR. Security officers, as a whole, certainly, clever people, but by virtue of the professional mentality did not understand, where they conduct a society. Besides many governors under whom the armchair by then has begun to rock, have risen on a position of " a new wave », they at a successful conjuncture dreamed to return to themselves electivity and to add to regions of the sovereignty.
The model of the western democracy with a competition inside itself is not necessary for Russia, it will result in political pluralism and in a result to disintegration. Russia with century traditions of centralization should go consistently from the serfdom to the rational centralized authority above the person. Therefore the competition, development of a home market and rise of gross national product through priority manufacture of the goods and services inside the country are inadmissible. Preservation of competitiveness on foreign markets is required, it gives prospect on effective growth of gross national product. It needs the maximal concentration of resources, centralization of management by them and, as consequence, rigid social hierarchy inside the Russian society. All this results in minimization of the cost price of production and to active game on a foreign market.
The hierarchy in a society is provided with a society of equal opportunities. In this society everything are born equal, but the one who is capable and morally ready to organize grows upwards on a social ladder only, rigidly to range subordinate. Any feedback in structure of the government, except for the internal mutual control forserers, it is not supposed, it is the unnecessary element weakening authority and unduly spending a resource of a society. Any freely bearing economic marasm and populism of mass-media. Any parties, except for authorized, any opposition, except for majir-operetta. With the purpose of concentration of resources it is impossible to give an excessive financial resource on the labour market, in this unguided market disorders movement - money simply are not necessary for people, what they with them will do, inflation to lift, payments in radical political parties to do? Therefore there is no necessity is artificial to lift small and average business is completely excessive development of a home market and a "pluralistic", badly controlled internal total product which will result in "orange" result. With this purpose of the right of "feeding" of controllers and "forserers" from small and average business, all these state "protection", should be as much as possible kept, it is not necessary to give fine weeds from business to grow up.
Easier speaking, you want to live adequately - act for work in megacorporation, promote, and do not think of own business. Or go in supervising or punishing bodies.

Shougy (Minister for Extreme Forces) the commander of the only thing in Russia the efficient military case of the fast reaction well covered with the version of "rescuers". Look on cup present generals of army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with their megalomania and thifsed, and compare to the form of the Ministry of Emergency Measures on German design. About the same parity in selection of the staff, equipment and arms. Шойгу now instead of armies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR really provides power covering working authority, it is a unbiased fact. These elite armies know a disposition practically on all countries of the world, not speaking about Russia. Armies Шойгу have received all secret underground refuges equipped with life-support systems and stocks on tens of years of independent life so to the Russian elite the nuclear winter is not terrible also.

Deripaska has put one very curious experiment. Near to the first-born, olded Sauan aluminium combine, it has constructed a grandiose newest aluminium factory, and has given it the name - Khakass. The matter is that there, in foothills of Altai, local radical people refer to хакасцы. Хакасцы have been strongly suppressed in days of the Soviet authority, Arcady Gajdar of them almost has interrupted all. But have arisen new хакасцы, school education, naturally, to them to receive there is no place, live in primitive dwellings such as wigwams or юрт, many even do not know an electricity. Works are not present, money is not present. Deripaska creates the Khakass Republic, separate region with the constitution, selects the Supreme Hural from the workers, and starts to lift a social level of indigenous population. For the Khakass aluminium factory project special electric aluminium furnaces on computers. There only two buttons of management "To include And "switch off"., The everything else does a computer. Some thousand workers - хакасцев have typed, have trained them to include and switch off these furnaces, to sweep a floor if aluminium ore casually wakes up by loading mines. Pay very well, for хакасца 100-150 dollars - fantastic money. Watch, that alcoholic drinks did not drink, vodka for хакасца - death. The factory began to make simply fantastic profit.

… Simply Republic Khakassia - practically ready independent state with the national ideology of a society of equal opportunities, with original religion, with independent court, with independent investigatory committee and, with independent police and if once across Russia even the most negative script of disintegration will play - there is a way of deviation. In Khakassia positions of the Russian superelite are simply firm. To me have told, that if to хакасцам Buryats with Irkutsk area will join, шорцы with the Kemerovo area and ketas with Krasnoyarsk region is 90 % of capacities of aluminium manufacture of Russia. And Russia will live even in those areas, in those borders. By the way, in the same place, in these edges, also there are underground refuges and storehouses of products of the state reserve. And then Russia it will be necessary to revive. There have already laid roads president Putin and minister for Ministry of Emergency Measures Shojgu, and it is not simple so. Clearly, that Khakassia is ready to accept the owners at any moment if it is required.

Hitler Remains have been reset in the river

Nine secret before documents from archives of Russian FSB testify to final destiny of remains Гитлера and Evy Brown. From a tomb where their scorched corpses have been secretly buried with favourite dogs, remains were эксгумированы, are burnt and reset to Elba, influential Italian newspaper La Repubblica writes

Fire. The ashes which has been thrown out in the river Elba. Nine unknown persons before documents from рассекреченных спецхраном only today archives of FSB, the successor of KGB, testify that finally began with remains of scorched body Гитлера. It was known, that remains are at Russian. But it was not known, how and when of them got rid.

Now two documents open secret: remains Гитлера and his wives were эксгумированы on April, 4, 1970 in Magdeburg, GDR. Next day, unexpectedly, cremation has been lead: in area Shenbekka, in 11 kms from Magdeburg. Ashes together with углями " were перемешены up to a condition of homogeneous weight which has been collected and высыпана in waters of the nearest river ". In reports it is not underlined, about what river there is a speech, but in this area Elba proceeds. The great director of this drama and gloomy epilogue of the Second world war Jury Andropov, then still the chapter of KGB was. In 1982 after death Брежнева it became the chapter of the Kremlin.

All began on May, 2, 1945 when colonel Klimenko, the chief of a department of counterspionage СМЕРШ of 79-th shooting case, together with two German "опознавателями" (certain Lang and Schneider) has drawn up a statement, in which was spoken, that at 17 o'clock the same day Goebbels burnt bodies and his wives have been found out. Within two days Russian unsuccessfully tried to find body Гитлера.

On May, 4 " in several meters (from a place where Goebbels corpses and his wives have been found), in воронке from a bomb near to bunker Gitlera two corpses have been found out: one female, another man's ". Both were " strongly scorched and did not give in to an identification without corresponding examination ". They were " in воронке in three meters from an input in the bunker and were присыпаны the ground ". Corpses have been delivered in a department of counterspionage СМЕРШ of 3-rd shock army. After the termination of medicolegal examination all corpses have been dug in area of the city of Buh.

The document has been named " Secret-service fund (Special archive). Агентурно-search business on Adolf Gitlera ", the Ministry for state security of the USSR, the Central archive, АРХ number 300919, that 1, report 10422 (архивирован during 1948-1949). In the document also it is written: " In connection with передислокацией a department of counterspionage of army corpses have been withdrawn and transported all over again in area of. Финов, and then on June, 3, 1945 in area Rathenow where are dug finally.

Corpses are in wooden boxes in a hole on depth of 1,7 meters. In the western part of a hole there is also a basket with two corpses of the dogs belonging Гитлеру and Brown Eve. A site: 325 m from the railway bridge on a wood glade from a stone column with number 111 - on northeast... Up to the following column - 55 meters... From this column strictly to the east of 26 m. The dug hole with corpses сровнена with the ground. On a surface of a hole number 111 " is landed from fine pine trees.

During a quarter of a century of the USSR held all this in absolute secret. It were years when about flight Гитлера hearings went to South America, years of process above Эйхманном, the file "Odessa" - networks which has provided flight of nazi leaders. Moscow never answered any questions. Business about corpse Гитлера could turn back for the USSR a political boomerang. Then Andropov with the consent of the Political bureau has solved for ever "архивировать" this business. And to be released from this inconvenient relic. On March, 20, 1970 the Council of Ministers of the USSR has approved his plan which has received the code name - operation "Archive".

Operation has been declared completely confidential. In 15 days the operative group in structure of five agents under command of colonel N.G.Kovalenko, the chief of a department of KGB at the Soviet army part 92626, has arrived to area Vestendshtrasse, the house number 36, in Magdeburg, in an arrangement of the Soviet military station. There, in an arrangement of a part after withdrawal from the ground remains Гитлера and Brown have been delivered. Colonel Kovalenko has made the document in the single copy, by hand, it was the certificate testified to the certificate реэксгумации.

Three leaf the papers numbered from 1 up to 3, dated on April, 4, 1970, classification (" the Certificate about opening a burial place of remains of military criminals ") it is underlined red, and 53 lines in which it was described, that " at dredging remains developed in a box... Action on withdrawal is lead within night and morning on April, 4, 1970. The box with remains was under protection of operative workers till the morning on April, 5 when physical destruction " has been made.

In the second certificate dated on April, 5, we learn, how it has been carried out: two lists also handwritten, from reasons this time have sufficed " the maximal safety ", the certificate has been made in "single copy".



Russia will not start Bushehr the atomic power station in Iran up to the end of 2008

Bushehr the atomic power station in Iran which erection is carried out under the control of Russian enterprise " Атомстройэкспорт ", it will be started up not earlier the end of 2008.
With so regrettable application for the Iranian party the chapter of the Russian company Sergey Shmatko has acted today. " I promised to specify later terms of construction Bushehr of nuclear station, but I can precisely tell, that before the end of 2008 the station will not be started up ", - it has specified.
Teheran repeatedly did sharp applications to address of Moscow, thus trying to push her to acceleration of deliveries of uranium on the atomic power station. In the middle of October in interview by the Iranian mass-media Putin has declared, that Russia will necessarily complete nuclear station " Bushehr " in Iran, but did not begin to promise exact terms of delivery of fuel for it. " It is very important For us, as so-called elites in Russia and Iran concern to cooperation of two countries, but I think, - it would be even more important to finish with the wide public and ordinary citizens of our countries, that actually occurs under project "Bushehr", - the head of the state has told. It has made it, on his expression, "very shortly". " Pay attention that any other country of the world has not taken to execution this contract ", - Putin has advised. " Moreover, German partners have begun it very much for a long time, several decades ago, and have stopped ", - it has reminded. In opinion of the president, " the fact of that works have been started by one partners and continued by the Russian organizations, has already initially complicated realization of the project not only and not so much from the political point of view, how many with technological ".

" At the first stage the German equipment there has been put, it till now is on object which is obviously out-of-date, this equipment 20-years, and can be 30-years prescription ", - the president has emphasized. " But difficulties not only in it, difficulty in the contract, in legal registration of this transaction ", - Putin is convinced. It has paid attention that " there is one more circumstance which has complicated this work: the Iranian party at construction has signed corresponding agreements not only with Russia, but also with other partners, for example Republic Korea which in general have refused to deliver the equipment within the framework of the signed contracts ". According to Putin, " it has caused additional complications - we had to search for replacement to the that equipment which has not been put ". " Together and some other things, certainly, have resulted all this in the certain shift on time ", - the president has recognized.
The contract on construction of the first power unit of atomic power station " Bushehr " has been signed in Teheran on January, 8, 1995. According to this document Russia has undertaken to put one reactor such as ВВЭР-1000, to prepare the Iranian experts and to put nuclear fuel for a reactor. In December of the last year Russia and Iran have agreed, that in September, 2007 there will be a physical start-up of the atomic power station in Бушере. With the Iranian party the arrangement on monthly financing construction of atomic power station " Bushehr " has been achieved at a rate of $25 one million that guaranteed end of works on a platform and physical start-up of the first power unit in September, 2007. However in financing there were the serious failures demanded intense negotiations of the parties which proceed till now..


The Forbes has published a rating of the best Russian brands

In January number of magazine The Forbes which has already left, the rating of 50 best Russian brands made depending on volume of their retails for year since July 2006 till June, 2007 is published.

The first place has borrowed Lada. The sales volume of mark which owner is avto company of Autovases, has made 135,3 billion roubles. For the first time for two years the sales volume of the mark started in 1970, has grown - on 4,4 percent.

The second line of a rating was borrowed with a brand "Baltic" (the owner - firm VVN), started in 1992. Forty advertising rollers, maked annually, have helped to earn to mark of 50,3 billion roubles for a year. The third place has got to dairy products " the Small house in village ". A brand which has entered on the market in 1997, owns Вимм-Билль-Данн. For a year the mark "has earned" 22,8 billion roubles.

In first ten list juices "Kind" (17,8 billion roubles of retails) and "Orchard" (15,7 billion), vodka " Green mark " (17,3 billion), motor oil "Lukoil" (17,1 billion), dairy products "Miracle" (17,1 billion), and also beer "Клинское" (16,8 billion) and "Арсенальное" (14,1 billion) also have got.

The last, 50 place in a rating was borrowed with mark of sauces and canned food "Baltimore", present on the market since 1995. Retails of "Baltimore" have made 4,9 billion roubles.

It is strange, that in the list do not appear "Kalashnikov", tank T-80 and rockets S-300.

The new weapon for Gazprom

"Gazprom" will look after pipelines from pilotless flying complexes
Research-and-production corporation " Иркут " has finished experiences on application of pilotless flying complexes (TANK) for civil needs. Works were made in interests of Russian gas monopoly " Gazprom ", transfers "Interfax".

According to agency, works have passed successfully, and "Gazprom" can apply pilotless means to realization of industrial monitoring and monitoring of extended main pipelines.

Within the framework of tests pilotless complexes with flying devices of a class have been involved "pass" "Irkut-2М" and a complex of remote sounding "Ircut-850".

Earlier the Russian mass-media informed, that in interests of the several companies including "Gazprom", development of a pilotless helicopter complex is conducted on the basis of helicopter " Mirage - 001 ". It will be created for monitoring extended gas mains.
Security services " Gazproms " and "Transneft" are authorized to get fire-arms and to use it with a view of protection of property of corporations which control share holding, as is known, belongs to the state. In Russia operate more than 20 thousand private security enterprises (PSE) also it is authorized to them to use the service weapon in the work.

Until recently employees of security services (SS) and PSE had the equal rights to carrying of the weapon. However the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having found out miss in the legislation, has stopped licensing and distribution of the service weapon to workers corporate SS, thus anybody to select the samples received earlier did not become.

About which arms there is a speech? It - the most usual pistols IG-71 (is more known as pistol Macarov) and smooth-bore carbines. That is, those samples of fire-arms which are resolved for use to the private security enterprises. As we see, anybody to arm these structures submarines does not gather.

Basically, "Gazprom" and "Transneft" could create simply PSE and charge them with protection of the objects. However in this case expenses essentially would increase. The matter is that PSE as the commercial enterprise, should receive profit, hence, his services cannot cost cheaply. Besides the name « the private security enterprise » for SS state companies would sound not absolutely adequately. At "LUKOIL", for example, such problem is not present, therefore Vagit Alekperova's company has founded PSE "LUKOM-A".

Employees of security service " Gazprom " protect system of the main gas mains in the extent about 150 thousand in km with 268 compressor stations, 18 gaz factories, 21 gaz-store, 24 petrochemical complexes, three Oil factories and as much tired the enterprises. Complication criminal conditions around of these objects and the uncertain status corporate SS which have actually ceased to be subjects of a revolution of the weapon, have formed the basis for the reference of Open Society " Gazprom " in the Government of the Russian Federation with the request to make changes to laws « About the weapon » and « About deliveries of production for federal state needs ». Use of the second document is necessary for designating, for which protection of objects the fire-arms are necessary.
By the way, today in Iraq operate about 100 thousand fighters of the English and American private armies. At their order there is a same weapon, as at militarians, including tanks.

Unknown arm of the service for special actions?

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine secretly creates a unknown arm of the service for special actions
In structure of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Forces of special operations will appear. The program of development of such divisions as Ukrainian truth " referring to the press-service of Ministry of Defence writes on Monday, Anatoly Gritsenko has signed acting as the chapter of the Ukrainian power department.

" It is the secret document with a corresponding signature stamp which provides a new level of preparation and application of parts and divisions of special purpose ", - has explained Gritcenko occurrence of the given program. As he said, the signed document provides new approaches to tactics of application of parts and divisions of special purpose, their practical preparation, equipment by new samples of arms and technics, including, foreign manufacture.

" Parts and divisions of special purpose accordingly have the maximum degree of readiness, and their development is a priority, including from the point of view of financing ", - has emphasized Gritcenko. It also has noted, that development and the statement of the program became result of six-monthly work in which the best experts of the Joint Staff have been involved, Land forces of Armed forces, Central administrative board of investigation and other structural divisions of Ministry of Defence.


New ideology of Belarusia

We shall argue or impose force?
"Litvinizm" in Byelorussia as the political project, his features and prospect.

The aggravation of political strike in Byelorussia promotes search of the various projects, capable to change political расклады in struggle for authority. In search of creative ideas there are, at first sight, freakish theories which seize minds of politically engaged citizens. The public opinion breaks up during discussion of the attitude of different groups to these theories. There are the processes, capable to affect positions and authority as « parties of authority », and oppositions. Their political stability is shown in skill to react to these phenomena, to transform the ideology, to apply her in political strike.

The antagonism occurs within the framework of the existing state, to attraction of external forces and counteraction to potential threats. Therefore, not so it is important, what order of idea, it is important, that they can be used for influence on a society, forming for itself a platform and conditions of coming to power. The elite which is not offering to a society of serious ideology, explaining to people their place in the world, cannot be sure in the future, even having a machinery of government of authority.
At available vacuum of the intelligible reasons explaining irreversibility of the Byelorussian statehood, and, means, and necessities for a long time to build independent state structure, any experience of the past admits positive and acquires every possible exaggerations. On a fertile field of existing statehood reincarnation of the certain ideas from the past is possible. Such examples are shown by Ukraine, as though is rough and ambiguous they were not perceived in the country and abroad.
As against Ukraine, Byelorussia after disintegration of the Kiev Russia and the Mongolian route in XIII century, up to 1569г. (Люблинская уния and formation of Speech Посполитой) had the especial statehood as the Great princedom Lithuanian (ВКЛ). This fact does not give rest especially to those who at present has no real chances to receive levers of government and hopes for « effect of the butterfly » when successfully found starting point will result in chain reaction and will change a political design in their advantage.


The historical underlying reason of events of middle XIII-XVI of centuries is well-known enough and described in the historical literature, it is possible to displace only accents, strengthening or weakening value of the separate facts. Beginning ВКЛ resulted, for that time, from mainly балтской ethnic territory (pool of the top Neman), under the control of the Lithuanian princes, as has served as the name of a princedom. Slavic princedoms with the centers in Polotsk, Турове, Pinsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Smolensk, etc. did not stand in the beginning of the Lithuanian statehood, but during short time, second half XIII centuries, as well as the most part of modern Ukraine, have been integrated by energy of victorious Lithuanian princes in ВКЛ, one of the largest territorial formations of that time.
Ethnic восточнославянская the dominant began to take top already in XIV-XV centuries, but Catholic influence, is especial after election Ягайло on the Polish throne, has developed славянолитовскую to know aside Kingdoms Polands and opposition to the Great princedom typing force Moscow. Brest and Кревская унии have strengthened this tendency, and Люблинская уния has finally subordinated the grounds VKL to Poland, having left only a certain administrative independence of the territory approximately corresponding to modern Belarus and Lithuania.
Further, in structure of Poland, Lithuania corresponded to territory to the east of the rivers Nemans and the Western Bug. All шляхетское the estate was Catholic, in the language and cultural attitude полонизированным, that created a precipice with восточнославянским an ethnic file, besides orthodox on creed. At sections of Speech Посполитой in second half XVIII centuries the question of restoration ВКЛ of sample XIII-XVI of centuries did not stand any more, and revolts of XIX century in the west Russian empire were exclusively for restoration of statehood of Poland.
The concept "литвинизма" has arisen not on an empty place, it symbolizes understanding of the found statehood of Belarus, as the continuity broken off by an epoch from ON. Thus there is a substitution of concepts which are transferred to the modern Byelorussian state, modern Byelorussians, their language, culture, attitudes.
In what she will consist? Approximately 300 years existed the state VKL, пройдя the considerable historical way full of drama events and changes. During this term, the multiethnic population of this state represented the nation, as well as all others, carrying out various functions, including, protecting this state in numerous wars. Citizens and inhabitants of this state named themselves Lithuanians or литвинами, and балты, both slavs, and turkis, Catholics, orthodox, Protestants, moslems, иудеи.
Now it is offered to count литвинами ethnic Byelorussians though in ВКЛ "литвин" designated not ethnos, and citizenship. "Not having noticed" such substitution, there is a temptation to develop this thesis in opposition балтам which have given rise ВКЛ, to Poles inside which state, Speech Посполитая, after 1569, ostensibly, it is independent and is equal in rights continued to exist ON. But the most causing delimitation is offered with Russian and украинцами which are considered, are ethnically insufficiently pure to be the nearest ethnic relatives литвинам.
Transition to state symbols ВКЛ is automatically offered - white - красно-белому to flag and the arms "Pursuit" which have been proclaimed at formation of Byelorussia, and then, are replaced nowadays existing. In a language policy transition only on literary Byelorussian language which at all does not correspond восточнославянскому to a state language of times ON is supposed. Naturally, transition of the government to националистически to the adjusted elite, противопоставляющей itself to environmental ethnoses is meant, is especial to relatives. Then, ocurrence « on equal » in great democratic European family, with the moral right to teach and hate less civilized east and southern neighbours.


"Литвинизм" has not developed yet in any serious ideology, but a little who will risk to bypass or ignore so perspective project, starting from radicals and up to « a party of authority ». His elements are used as auxiliary mechanisms for struggle against opponents or as a consolidating basis for purchase of adherents. The tendency to delimitation on this basis with other ethnic groups and to pressure upon Byelorussians with the requirement to be defined with литвинским attitude is observed.
It is possible to allocate some sights of use литвинского the project:
1. Radical. Means невосточнославянское an origin литвинов (Gotha, балтославяне, венеды, etc.). Contempt for compatriots восточнославянской cultures, claims to Russia for centuries-old oppression, an appeal to a historical revenge.
2. Moderate - radical. Non-recognition of participation балтов in formation ВКЛ, assignment этнонима "Lithuanians" to slavs, the requirement to return ancient литвинские the grounds (Вильно, Bialystok, Smolensk, Bryansk). Denying at полешуков the Ukrainian originality, suspicion for local Russian aspirations to create « the fifth column », the jealous attitude to the use of Russian, aspiration to supersede it from any spheres of life of the Byelorussian.
3. Moderate. An identification литвинской cultures with Polish, histories, ethnic essence, religion, mentality. Support униатства, introductions полонизмов in the Byelorussian language, шляхетское consciousness. Denying of ethnic unity in восточнославянском the world, a generality of historical destiny, sensation of humiliation and threat on the part of Russia.
4. Moderate - liberal. Sensation of the most kept восточнославянских features, in comparison with Russian and украинцами, unwillingness to become level with. The aspiration in whatever began to keep the statehood, being fenced off from problems of east and southern neighbours. The requirement from небелорусов loyalty, sensation of aboriginals, respect литвинского understanding of a history.
5. Liberal. The recognition for Byelorussians of the right to use habitual for them the colloquial form of language. Comprehension of as parts of Europe where Russia the input is closed. The Russian statehood is considered as antagonism and threat of absorption of Belarus. Conscious отгораживание from uniform cultural space for the benefit of the features.

Among these variants it is necessary to note, that any does not consider Belarus as a part восточнославянского the world in his cultural, language, historical integration. Литвинизм as the pseudo-ethnic project, works on maintenance of split, division of close ethnoses and stagnation of the state division of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. It does his claimed in political strike, shaking of public opinion in any questions of an old and close history.


The most generated part литвинизма is reflected in symbolics, white - красно-белый триколор and the arms "Pursuit". Colors of a flag are taken as a derivative from the arms. The arms symbolizes struggle of Poland and Lithuania against the Teutonic award which deification was victorious Грюнвальдская fight of 1410. That is, behind "Pursuit" and a corresponding flag there is a nice history шестисотлетней to prescription which in 150 years has turned to the legend with loss of independence ON. Having united with Poland in one state, Грюнвальдская fight has remained event of the general history of Lithuania and Poland, but the arms "Pursuit" did not become the state symbol of Speech Посполитой.
In XXI century the antiGerman sense of the Arms, at the general aspiration of forces, his personifying to enter the European Community which basis is Germany, is strange. Approximately the same as respect of German occupational forces for these symbols accepted by the Byelorussian collaborators during the Second World war. The claim ambiguously looks to challenge the right on I "Shall drive" at Lithuania which has accepted his state symbol with finding independence in 1991.
But the true sense of "Pursuit" is shown at the Byelorussian nationalists, as the antiRussian attribute denying voluntariness of ocurrence of the Byelorussian ethnos in the joint states of east slavs the Kiev Russia, Russian empire, the USSR. In their opinion, it prevents them to be considered as true Europeans and harms to their democratic image for the introduction into the European Community.
Thus, литвинизм finds out in a question on symbols extreme политизированность, anything the general not having with historical validity or ethnic sense for modern Byelorussians. Their argument is conducted by contradiction, неприятия the postSoviet state symbols, which as, it is impossible to recognize successful. On such ground also there is a collision of political interests.
Other important item of counteraction литвинистов is the attitude to Russian. Leaning on the Byelorussian statehood, the requirement about a recognition of Russian as foreign and alien to true Byelorussians is put forward. His advanced and dominating role for east slavs, value for interethnic dialogue of all slavs and integration to the slavic world of the Altay, Caucasian, Ural and Siberian ethnoses is denied.
Апологетам литвинизма it is represented, that rise of authority of modern Byelorussian language (not historically литвинского!) it is possible only at humiliation and belittling of value of Russian that is not welcomed by the population which prefers to communicate on the habitual colloquial form with recognized accent and intonation. A language problem - the most unsoluble and unpersuasive in ideology литвинистов. The tendency similar Ukrainian, when in восточнославянский language is observed are introduced полонизмы, with hope to transform it into a transitive condition to west slavic language norms.


Whether is at литвинизма political prospects? It is necessary to recognize, that is, as well as at similar государственно-historical and religious - cultural projects. Certainly, revival ВКЛ in his essence or territorial borders a Utopia and a farce, as for a long time the turned page of a history or the river which it is impossible enter twice. Sense to repeat a bloody history of an antagonism for domination on восточнославянском a field too is not present, it is necessary to unite peacefully potential which is turned already out, including, during coexistence.
The ground, on which such project can be claimed, obvious - the Byelorussian statehood which demands additional charging in a substantiation and acknowledgement of the existence. Other component in that attraction which creates the European Community, despite of the friable condition which, however, too is attractive to the small and uncertain states in the essence.
The above-stated reasons stimulate political strike of various elites of Byelorussia for possession the government for what various ideological projects are used. Литвинизм can serve not worse others as that ideological tool not only for refined nationalists, but also « strong statesmen ». I had to hear the point of view, that when there will be a threat of loss of statehood the authority will be compelled литвинизироваться, having transferred all patriotism on this level.
It would be possible to attribute these problems on the internal discretion of the Byelorussian public, which itself it is responsible for the future development of the form of the statehood, if not one "but". Литвинизм - one of the ideological phenomena rendering damage ethnic восточнославянскому to the world, establishing internal dividing boundaries from the mercenary promptings. These boundaries take root in consciousness of Byelorussians in state, territorial, language, cultural, religious, mental and other measurements.
It is already completely not harmless, as, people which are coming to power under such banners, will carry out obviously hostile policy in relation to ethnic essence of the citizens and восточнославянским to neighbours. It is enough to address to a history to see, how division of east slavs resulted in fratricide and an exhaustion of potential, opening road to hostile penetration and losses of ethnic territories.

How to react to occurrence and development of political projects литвинистов?
First, without serious emotions and opposition of projects of Russia similar hurrah - историкопатриотических by him and Ukraine. Such reaction gives литвинистам the moral right to rise in the chapter of struggle for « литвинско-Byelorussian незалежность ».
Second, it is necessary to specify obvious substitution of concepts « nation ВКЛ » and modern Byelorussian ethnos, that is, литвин is not the ethnic characteristic of any part of modern east slavs.
Thirdly, it is impossible to concern indulgently to projects which, for any reasons, are aimed at ethnic split восточнославянского the world or replacement of any ethnic groups for his limits.
Fourthly, it is necessary to avoid political temptation to construct the European state to the detriment of the slavic essence. One results from another and not one state should not someone prove something, it is necessary to follow simply to the ethnic responsibility and to be consolidated on this basis.

Summing up this small research, it would be desirable to pay attention to that fact, that литвинизм is not any serious phenomenon of public idea of modern Byelorussia though, his most engaged representatives are people of humanitarian kinds of activity. Interest to this question from the party is clear, to so-called, democratic opposition which uses everything that it is possible to oppose today's authority.
Would be the bad attribute testifying to uncertainty of imperous elite if she began to make advances to double nationalists. It is a direct way to split in a society and to political shocks in the state, the result can be the most unpredictable and tragical about what speaks historical experience of Byelorussians. Political benefits should not contradict ethnic prospect and destiny of east slavs, their natural aspiration to unity and employment of a worthy place in slavic family and a western civilization.
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Third of noncombat losses of internal armies falls at suicides

The reason of third of noncombat losses of internal armies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are suicides, informs RIA of News referring to the assistant to the commander-in-chief of internal armies Sergey Topchego.

As he said, in 2007 suicide was made by 44 military men of internal armies. At the same time, as has informed Topchiy, last 15 years the number of suicides in armies is constantly reduced. " If to compare to a society as a whole at us in times less than suicide incidents ", - it has told.

Principal causes of suicides, in opinion of the general, personal problems of military men are.

All cases of destruction of military men in internal armies, armed forces and other power departments are investigated by Office of Public Prosecutor. According to main military public prosecutor Alexander Savenkov, for first half of 2007 armed forces of Russia have lost as a result of suicides 109 person.


What is the separate battalion of radio-electronic struggle?

A part small from above 100 person. But also this quantity will suffice to carry out a problem which is complex in execution and is simple in statement: to find out means of a radio communication of the opponent and to direct on them the radio noise. The matter is that already in the second world to be at war without a radio communication it was rather difficult. Today - it is simply unreal. It is possible to tell, what exactly radiowaves operate armies. There is no management - there is no order, both to one fighter, and the whole brigade.

For this year battalion REP participated in the doctrines, both times with positive result twice. Radius of action of working technics of a battalion about 70 kilometers. The purposes can be both air, and ground, and on different frequencies: distant, average, short and УКВ. "To muffle", by the way, it is possible not only military transfer, but also a popular radiowave if during operations, or preparation for war the enemy party will start to prophesy on it ideologically harmful texts, like " surrender, resistance is useless, we tomorrow shall take your capital "...

In a battalion only mobile technics. In it and sense: now stations work in Brest - in some hours already in Grodno, or still where. As the Native land will order. With a kind it is quite ordinary machines. Remind army machines of communication, but only externally.

With the commander of a platoon of a radio noise the senior lieutenant Alexey Tokarevym we go in park - there in well-groomed box and stations of handicapes are registered. During Soviet time the journalist would not approach here on a gun shot, now, certainly, the degree of "modiness" of object for the clear reasons has changed:

- Curiosity for the sake of on the Internet has found through seacher a picture of our district from space, - Alexey tells, - so there even sectoring of our parade-ground is visible, and it on a free-of-charge server, for all comers. What to speak about opportunities of military satellites...

However, a secret not in a site on a peace time, and in the technics and action of experts during war. The equipment has remained with us since Soviet times, however, as at the western neighbours, is actively modernized. For example, inside station of handicapes (in a picture) the computer is established on the basis of processor " Pentium " with the special program. At the monitor - one soldier - operator.

- In a reality, certainly, on suppression of an ether we did not start the equipment, - Alexey Tokarev explains, - but it is done by one click of the toggle-switch. The main thing, that during special preparation on practical employment fighters have fulfilled the problems completely, and are ready to work at any moment, and at the developed station and all necessary adjustments for overlapping the necessary liaison channels in radius of action there is enough second.

The big territory has got to a part - during Soviet times here there was a division. Now her divide battalion REP and transferred here in April mixed artillery shelfs from Slobudki. In total about 300 military men. A facilities have divided fifty-fifty, remonted a barracks and a staff. On turn club. Officers of a part, ensigns and NCO are already billeted in city. Communication with administration of city and the Moscow area in which territory there is a battalion is adjusted.

The part of military station is already transferred to Brest. In plans to cut down her still approximately on half-kilometer - there where instead of strategic objects the grove from rare black birches rustles. So it would be convenient both the militarian, and city, however means which, in case of the compromise, could allocate city authorities are necessary for carry of a fence, the equipment of a check point. Probably, and will be.


The verifier of a gun has received conditional term for murder on imprudence

The court of Udmurtiya has sentenced to conditional term of the verifier of the gun which have killed her of the designer, informs RIA of News.

Engineer - verifier Vladimir Tokmin is recognized guilty of careless causing death owing to inadequate execution of the professional duties (an item 109 УК the Russian Federation). As has established court, on June, 19, 2007 on range tests of an aviation gun were made with the purpose of check of its serviceability.

" Works were carried out under the direction of conducting engineer - designer Stevens E.V.before by manufacture of the next series of shots the chief engineer has left on fires boundary. The verifier of arms Tokmin has autocratically charged a gun and, not having convinced of absence of extraneous persons in a zone of bombardment, has autocratically made a shot ", - is spoken in the message. As a result of infringement of technology, a trunk of a gun has broken off, that has brought to ruin the engineer - designer who is taking place on fires boundary.

In view of absence of aggravating circumstances and compensation of property harm, the court has sentenced Tokmin to two years of imprisonment conditionally. Besides sentenced the post of the engineer - verifier cannot hold within two years.

Sex in cosmos

Whether there is a sex in an orbit? One of these days it was found out, that certain French researcher Pierre Koler has published the book in which asserts, that NASA leads sexes - tests in space in 1996. Thus, the theme space sex again has found a urgency. Whether so sex in an orbit was?
In the work " Last mission " Koler writes: the American astronauts participated in sexual experiments in conditions of weightlessness. Thus the author of sensation referred even to a certain document of NASA N12571-3570. This "document" referred ostensibly to the sexual experiments which are carried out by the American astronauts during mission of 96-th year.

It agrees Koler , from 10 sexual positions tested in a condition of weightlessness, six have demanded application of a belt or the inflatable tunnel, and other four have done without application "special thing". However, all this space "strawberry", similar, from area of a pseudo-scientific fantasy.

- We cannot confirm the fact of test of sexual poses in an orbit in 1996, - the member of the Russian representation of NASA has declared "MC". - anything such, I assure you, was not.

First, not time. A situation in 90th years was very astable. Disorder of Soviet Union, just about will sink station. Well who, tell, during such time will develop, we shall directly tell, "thoughtless" experiments?

Second, there is no place. At station " World " Americans did not have module, as now on ICS. And available a vein the compartment had very small sizes. Even if to assume, that the pair cosmonauts has decided to engage in sex, there and then there is a question: and where to disappear to other cosmonauts? Not behind a board to wait!


Once at conference Space Frontier Foundation's NewSpace-2006 the physicist of NASA Dzhim Logan has declared, that in the future when people will depart to Mars and to other planets, sex in space will get the special importance. In this connection the scientist has decided to present a scientific hypothesis of how it could occur far from the Earth.

So, first of all sex in space will be, in opinion physics of Logan, hotter and damp. In conditions of microgravitation is absent cooling a body natural convecsion air. Besides in conditions of weightlessness people are inclined to sweat more. Second, in conditions of weightlessness sex will have a little bit other mechanics. Here each action is equaled to counteraction, and firstly even to kiss the partner, you should drive it into a corner and for this wall to keep.

However, for kisses Logan suggests to create clothes with sticky, holding partners together.

However for the certificate the clothes are a little bit inappropriate. Therefore, as counts Logan, sex in an orbit should have beforehand thought over choreography.

Having inspired with this "plan - project", Americans as if from a circuit were broke: in NASA various offers on fastening the partner in an inhabited compartment began to come. One married couple has organized a museum... " Unfulfilled dreams ", namely not useful while adaptations for space sex. That here only is not present: and waistcoats with sticky on a back, and every possible other clamps for in love! But the most successful, according to organizers of a museum, appeared an armchair for sexual joys at space station. It just solves that problem with preventing clothes about which spoke Logan. In general, all over again to a wall the armchair - ложемент fastens, then on him lie or sit the man with the woman and are fixed by special belts already together. " Thus, they appear beside and without clothes ", - founders of a museum speak, that basically already solves two basic problems.

The list of poses of " the space Kama Sutra ":

1) An elastic belt around of a waist of both partners. Partners are inverted by the person to each other in a standard or missionary position. This approach have recognized unsatisfactory.

2) An elastic belt around of hips of both partners. Female buttocks were opposite to a man's groin, the back of the woman is inverted to a breast of the man. This experiment also have recognized unsatisfactory.

3) The elastic belt adheres hips of the woman to a waist of the man. Female buttocks opposite to a man's groin whereas its knees are moved apart by his breast. From all experiments with an elastic belt this have recognized as the satisfactoriest.

4) The inflatable tunnel environmental partners and pressing them to each other. Partners are revolved by the person to each other in a standard missionary position. The tunnel surrounds partners approximately from laps up to a waist. The similar position is recognized unsuitable.

5) The inflatable tunnel covers only legs of partners (from a hip up to a foot). Partners are revolved to each other in a missionary position.

6) The inflatable tunnel is used in the same pose which used in experiment N2.

7) The standard missionary position added with that the woman clinged the legs to man's hips and both partners strong nestled to each other. 8) a Position used in N3, but the woman keeps itself opposite to the man, compressing his buttocks the heels. Results, despite of expectations, have found disappointing.

9) A position used in case N2, but thus the man kept the woman hands whereas the woman clasped heels hips of the man. Result have not found worth.

Partners clasped heads each other between the hips and compressed hips each other hands.


Russia will show submarines of new generation in Malaysia

Russia will show submarines of new generation "Amur - 1650", and also the project 636 (diesel engine - electric submarines of class Kilo) with the integrated system of rocket arms "CLUB-S" at the international exhibition of aerospace and naval technics LIMA-2007. The exhibition will take place from December, 4 till December, 8 in Malaysia on island Langkavi, is informed on site "Rosoboronexsport", the organizer of the Russian exposition of an exhibition.

Besides the specified submarines and small submarines of coastal action, at an exhibition patrol, rocket and rocket - artillery boats, escadrs a torpedo boat of the project 956, patrol ships of projects 11356 and 11541 "Corsair", corvet the project 20382 "Tiger", and also hovercraft " Murena " (the project 12061Э) will be submitted.

At an exhibition an export number of planes of family " Су " of generations " 4 + " and " 4 ++ ", including fighter Су-27СКМ, multipurpose fighters Su-30МК and Su-35, fighter - bomber Su-32 will be submitted. In frameworks LIMA-2007 various samples of domestic aviation arms, for example, a rocket of a class "air - air" of near radius of action Й-73Э with transitive pilon and the starting device for installation by foreign planes, and also a rocket of a class "air - air" of average range РВВ-АЕ will be shown.

According to press-service " Rosoboronexport ", " a significant place " in the Russian exposition export helicopters from which in Malaysia will be submitted transport helicopter Mi-17V-5, will borrow fighting helicopter Mi-28Ne, транспортно-fighting helicopters such as Ми-35, fighting helicopters such as Ка-50 and the most load-lifting in the world the heavy transport helicopter Mi-26, capable to transport up to 20 tons of cargoes.

In total at exhibition LIMA-2007 Russia will present more than 450 exhibits.

Venezuela will replace C-130 with IL - 76

Venezuela will get from Russia a party of planes IL - 76 and flying tankers IL - 78 on their base.

Details of the agreement are not informed. It is known, that planes should be put up to the end of 2008.

Earlier the management of Venezuela planned to get planes C-295 of the Spanish manufacture, however it was necessary to refuse this transaction in connection with the American embargo imposed on deliveries of planes in which technologies and details of the American development are used.

In structure of the Air Forces of Venezuela planes will replace Silt - 76 American транспортники ж-130 Hercules which maintenance in an efficient condition also is complicated in view of embargo.

Cracks found in 2 F-15 fighter jets at US base in Japan

TOKYO - Cracks were found in two F-15 fighter jets based in Japan during checks following the crash of an F-15C in the United States last month, the U.S. military said Thursday.

The cracks were close to the canopies on the two aircraft, which were among 30 F-15s inspected at the Kadena Air base on Japan's southern island of Okinawa, the Air Force said in a statement.

The damage was found during inspections after the U.S. Air Force issued a second flight suspension order for the fighters worldwide following an F-15C crash in Missouri last month in which the pilot was injured. The Air Force lifted the first suspension order on Nov. 21 but grounded planes for the second time later that month after finding additional defects.

The current suspension "will continue until further notice," it said.

The Air Force said the F-15s will not return to operation until further inspections and repairs are completed.

Japan's Air Self-Defense Force said inspections after the crash of its 200 or so F-15 jets had found no problems.

The U.S. Air Force said more than 700 F-15s are in its worldwide inventory. F-15s fly from bases in the U.S., England, Japan and the Middle East.

The U.S. Air Force has been using the F-15 since the mid-1970s. The fleet is currently being replaced by the F-22 Raptor, but F-15s still make up a significant percentage of American fighter jets.

The U.S. military occupies large parts of Okinawa under a bilateral security pact, including Kadena. Okinawa is about 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) southwest of Tokyo.

The high-ranking official of Ministry of Defence is arrested

The high-ranking official of Ministry of Defence is arrested
The Byelorussian military Office of Public Prosecutor authorized arrest of the lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Defence. The next scandal in military department is connected to deliveries of ware property for needs of the Byelorussian army and lobbying of interests of commercial structure to the detriment of interests of the ministry. All essence - in ties.

Such scandals - the big rarity in Ministry of Defence. Military department has tested a similar discomfiture only in 2005 when the head of department of rocket - artillery arms of the ministry colonel Vladimir Talaj has been arrested. It on cheap stuff sold for bribes to businessmen army automobiles. On a dock director of Department of a price policy of the Ministry of Economics Anatoly Pupko has got not only V.Talaj, but also the commander of one of the military units deployed in Gomel, five representatives of business and …. In May of present year the Military board of the Supreme court has born a severe verdict all accused, having appointed him solid terms of punishment. Colonel V.Talaj, in particular, has been sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Has not had time to take breath Ministry of Defence after condemnation of the colonel as has burst new scandal. And, by the beginning of investigation, a consequence from this affair can be not less serious. Probably, for this reason the Ministry of Defence refuses any comments on it. The chief of the press-service of Ministry of Defence Vyacheslav Remenchik has declared "а": " I cannot give comments on this business without the written sanction of consequence ".

This time under criminal prosecution the lieutenant colonel - the chief of a department of orders and deliveries of ware property of Ministry of Defence has pleased. Operative development concerning it was carried out with Management of military counterspionage of KGB where also while refuse any comments.

Meanwhile it was possible to find out, that claims to the lieutenant colonel have arisen because of deliveries of officer ties. In opinion of consequence, at carrying out of procedure of purchase of ties the chief of a department lobby interests of one firm at which has bought production under the overestimated price. As a result of Ministry of Defence has overpaid for presentable appearance of the officers about 40 million roubles. Naturally, in sight consequences have got both a business concern, and other officers MD involved in the given transaction.

Let's remind, that under the Byelorussian legislation of the transaction with use of budgetary funds for the sum from above 3 million roubles should consist through the tender. However, in Byelorussia the tender already for a long time has ceased to be a barrier. Corryptioners usually divide one large transaction into ten fine, each of which does not exceed the established limit, and thus receive full freedom in a choice of the supplier.

How the lieutenant colonel has managed to lead the transaction by vigilant eye sets of controllers while it is not clear. It should establish consequence. Now concerning the lieutenant colonel criminal case on ч.3 item 455 CC RB (abusing authority, excess of authority or inactivity the authorities which have entailed heavy consequences) which provides punishment till 12 years of imprisonment is excited.

Russia sends an aircraft carrier to Mediterranean sea

The Russian fleet renews the presence at world ocean, informs "Interfax".

According to Minister of Defence of Russia Anatoly Serdjukova, since December, 5 2007 on February, 3, 2008 the campaign to Atlantic ocean and Mediterranean sea of group of the fighting ships of Northern fleet will take place in structure of an aircraft carrier " Admiral of Smiths ", two big antiboat the ships and the tanker. In Mediterranean sea the rocket cruiser "Moscow" and one more tanker will join group. In total 4 fighting ships, 7 auxiliary courts, 47 planes will be involved in a campaign (including 10 planes of strategic aircraft) and 10 helicopters.

For 71 day of a campaign the ships will pass 12 thousand sea miles (more 20 thousand kilometers), having executed on ways of 11 calls and business visits to ports of six countries. Vice-admiral Vladimir Maksimov will oder about group a campaign. Direct management SSG - a ship shock grouping - will be carried out by the commander of a division of rocket cruisers of Server fleet, rear admiral Alexander Turilin.


India will get 347 newest tanks in Russia

India and Russia have concluded the large-scale contract for delivery of tanks T-90, informs ИТАР-TASS. The contract, which cost makes 1,237 billion dollars, provides delivery of 347 basic fighting tanks T-90S.

Now India has 310 tanks T-90 received in first half of the current decade. 181 from them has been made in India of assembly complete sets of the Russian manufacture. Now the factory in the city of Avadi has started release of a new large party - 1000 Ж-90, the agreement on which license manufacture has been made in November, 2006.

Basic fighting tank T-90 represents deep modernization of tank T-72 with amplified booking, a complex of controlled arms and a number of other improvements. The weight of the tank makes 46,5 tons, capacity of the engine - 1000 horsepowers, speed - 60 kilometers at one o'clock.

Ж-90 It is armed with a 125-millimetric smooth-bore gun with the automatic device заряжания. Into an arsenal of the tank enter осколочно-demolition, cumulative and armo-piercing подкалиберные shells, and also the guided missiles started through the channel of a trunk. The crew of the tank will consist from three person.

Reasons of refusal of Russia from offers the USA

Laurels has explained the reasons of refusal of Russia from offers the USA

The chapter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov has named the reasons on which Russia cannot agree with the offers stated the USA on accommodation of elements of the American antimissile defense in Europe. As he said, in the letter received by the Russian party the oral arrangements achieved during negotiations in Moscow are not reflected in any way, informs RIA of News.

In particular, the USA suggest Russia to carry out single inspections of objects American ABOUT in Poland and Czechia, and with the consent of authorities of these countries whereas Moscow insisted on constant presence there the officers - observers.

Besides activation of these objects will be carried out the USA under own discretion, and Russia demands, that the decision on it was accepted collectively with participation of all interested countries.

The USA have left unilaterally the Contract on antimissile defense in 2001. Americans intend to place ten rockets - interceptors in Poland and a radar station in Czechia for protection against the Iranian rockets as in Washington believe, that Teheran in foreseeable terms will create means of the delivery, capable to amaze the purposes in Europe.

Now range of action of the Iranian rockets does not exceed two thousand kilometers. In this connection Russia insists that construction of the American objects ABOUT in Europe should begin only after reception of proofs of real existence of the Iranian threat.

Offers the USA have been transferred to the Russian party on November, 21. At the end of a month the chief of the Joint Staff of Armed forces of the Russian Federation Jury Baluevsky has declared, that Russia cannot agree with it offers which provide integration of systems ABOUT Russia and the NATO, the Russian inspections of objects ABOUT and a delay of activation of rockets - interceptors before reception of a final confirmation of that the Iranian rockets can reach Europe.

Laurels also has noted, that the USA have blocked the Russian offer on inclusion in the agenda of the Organization on safety and cooperation in Europe of a question about универсализации the Russian-American Contract about rockets of average and smaller range.

The modernized bombers will place on the Chinese border

On arms of the Air Forces of Far East military district modernized bombers Su-24М2 have acted, informs RIA of News.

The modernized planes will be based on air station Perejaslavka in Khabarovsk edge. On them пересядут crews of 302-nd bombing an airshelf, included 83-rd bombing airdivision of 11-th air army.

Plane Su-24M2 is equipped with the newest radio-electronic equipment executed on the basis of solid-state digital electronics and can apply all complex of the controlled arms, developed for bomber Su-34. From Su-24М updating М2 differs increase точностных characteristics of a navigating complex. The nucleus of an onboard complex is completely replaced with them, including computing and navigating systems.

Russia and the USA have ratified the plan of military cooperation

Russia and the USA have ratified the plan of military cooperation
Russia and the USA have signed in Washington the memorandum of military cooperation for 2008. As informs RIA of News, the document has been accepted on results of negotiations between the chief of the Joint Staff of Armed forces of Russia the general of army Jury Baluevski and chairman of Committee of chiefs of staffs of Armed forces the USA admiral Michael Mullen.

The maintenance of the memorandum and bilateral negotiations is not opened under request Mullen, his official representative John Kirby has declared.

The source of RIA of News in Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has not excluded, that Balyebski and Mullen should discuss accommodation of elements of the American antimissile defense in Poland and Czechia against what Russia actively acts.

Visit Baluevski to the USA will be prolonged till December, 7. The Russian general will visit American naval base Kings bay in state Georgia, and also will carry on negotiations with the first assistant to the assistant to the president the USA on national safety James Dzhefri and the assistant to the state secretary on questions of the control over arms and the international safety John Rudom.

Negotiations of the chief of the Russian Joint Staff pass on a background of the become aggravated contradictions between Russia and the USA. On the night of December, 13 Russia will suspend in the territory of the Contract about conventional armaments in Europe. In Moscow assert, that partners on the NATO do not carry out position of the contract and Russia cannot execute it unilaterally any more.

Besides the USA plan to place ten rockets - interceptors in Poland and a radar station in Czechia, motivating it is potential rocket threat on the part of Iran. However, the report of the American special services published one of these days admits, that Iran has stopped works on development of the nuclear weapon in 2003.

The Russian bombers were intercepted more than 70 times

During patroling the removed areas of the world renewed in August, 2007, the Russian bombers more than 70 times were exposed to interception by forces of air defence of the foreign states, informs RIA of News.

In total on interception of the Russian planes flied up over 120 fighters of the Air Forces of the countries of the NATO and their allies - basically the USA, Norway, the Great Britain, Canada and France. Duration of support of bombers varied from 1-2 minutes till 3,5 o'clock, depending on remoteness of a route of flight from coast. General time of support has made more than 40 hours.

Let's remind, that regular flights of the Russian bombers on patroling for limits of the borders have renewed on August, 17, 2007 according to the order of the president of Russia Vladimir Putina.

For patroling the remote areas of the world strategic bombers That - 95 and That - 160, and also distant bombers That - 22М3 are used. Fighting machines make flights at support of flying tankers Silt - 78 and planes of distant radar-tracking detection З-50. Under the official information, planes do not bear onboard the nuclear weapon, however many experts put these data under doubt.