
The second war

Paul Burmistrov

Russia continues to be the main thing « the bad guy » in the international public opinion. But for the first time after events in Ossetia there are certificates and that to military presence the USA in Georgia now too there will be a steadfast attention
The American soldiers share military experience with Georgian three weeks prior to intrusion into Ossetia (on base Вазиани)

The American soldiers share military experience with Georgian three weeks prior to intrusion into Ossetia (on base Вазиани)


On twenty eighth of August the deputy chief of Joint Staff VS of the Russian Federation general - colonel Anatoly Nogovitsyn has told to journalists that the Russian militarians have found « a lot of interesting » in a stuffing American "хаммеров", seized in the Georgian city of Poti. Data have appeared, that this stuffing concerns satellite investigation. Anyhow, intriguing tone Ноговицына and strange persistence of requirements of Americans to return technics have caused weight of questions. Under information "РР", the Russian militarians have found « a lot of interesting » not only in "хаммерах". Including it, probably, that the Russian armies remain in Поти speaks: in Georgia appeared both other American technics and an infrastructure which so simply therefrom you will not take out. And she not for the help is intended to Georgians, and for preparation of impact across Iran.

The prospect of war in Iran frightens Europeans much more, than Russian "safety zone" in Georgia. Special services of Netherlands, according to newspaper De Telegraaf, have been compelled to interrupt very successful operation on introduction of the agents in nuclear and rocket projects of Iran and urgently to evacuate people. The reason - the message on fast American impact on objects of the Iranian rocket - nuclear infrastructure. And the information on it has been received right after the conflict on Caucasus.

Interestingly and that Israel that day when the Russian armies have come in South Ossetia, has hastened to make with the application about immediate сворачивании military - technical cooperation with Georgia. There at once have understood, that Russia will have an answer for those who supports Georgia the weapon. Israel would not like at all that in Iran at the moment of the beginning of bombardment of nuclear objects there were modern Russian air defences.

Whether in view of the submitted version it is possible to name casual I meet between the chapter of FSB Bortnikovym and minister for investigation of Iran Эджейе which has taken place at the end of the last week? As has informed agency IRNA referring to the Iranian embassy in Moscow, « the parties have discussed the mutual expanded cooperation in business of joint gathering and use разведданных ».

Right after input of the Russian armies to South Ossetia (on August, 8) from Tbilisi the USA have been evacuated by plane of the Air Forces about hundred American military experts. People have taken away, and the technics has remained. Details about military instructors have already interested also the western press: so, Financial Times asserts, that one of groups American военспецов has arrived to Georgia on August, 4, and contracts with them were concluded with the same organization that helped хорватам during the Balkan wars 90−х. This organization carries abbreviation MPRI and, certainly, denies any fault for events of 1995 when from Serbian Краины have been compelled to run 200 thousand person.

As to notorious "хаммеров", under the American version, they were in port in the sealed warehouses and for sending on base the USA to Germany after end of the грузино-American doctrines waited. But doctrines have ended 8 days prior to war and for 12 days that of how the Russian armies appeared in Поти. Probably, this technics just should execute the mission in Georgia.

Affinity of the American impact across Iran during many months specified outflow from the American military departments. It would be quite logical, if drawing of impact was planned by American "hawks" before presidential elections to the USA. And unexpectedly fast reaction of the Russian militarians to events in Georgia, probably, has reduced chances of successful sudden attack of Iran: and not only capture некоей the important technics, how many the prospecting information and that the attention to the American military activity now in the world has essentially grown.