
The Ministry of Defence from this year changes system of maintenance of military men a feed and their diet.

Meat products from the supplier of the Kremlin, the most high quality chocolate of factory of a name of Babayev, and to all this tablewares and utensils from stainless steel. It is a picture not from restaurant, and from a soldier's dining room. The Ministry of Defence from this year changes system of maintenance of military men a feed and their diet. On Wednesday military department has arranged presentation of new "menu" and food the soldering.
Situated near Moscow Monino. In a pine wood the confidential, strategic object of Ministry of Defence "has got lost". Imperceptible with a kind base - the research center where the diet of military men is developed and checked in practice.

- The new food ration is the balanced theory of a military feed, - the chief of the Central management of food service Jury Burdjug speaks.

"News" have checked up, as far as it was possible to find this "balance" in practice.

Bread and the groats giving a maximum quantity of calories, in the past. Over the new soldier's diet is dominated with fats of an animal origin - oil and meat. The accent is made on attraction as experts are expressed, " maximal albumens grocery lines ". Except for meat and oil, it is fruit and vegetables. Till 90th years our army ate groats and bread. Transition to new products is an attempt to correspond to the international standards.

- Before proceeding to a new diet, we sent our officers to Milan and Stuttgart, on exhibitions of the process equipment, - Jury Burdjug tells. - we Purchase not only the advanced dishwashers, double boilers, but even boilers with the built - in preventing devices. You will not believe, but in our porridge there are no lumps!

Several years ago in army began experiment on translation into a contract principle of acquisition soldier's and сержантских posts in parts of constant alertness. Контрактник is a mercenary. It should be engaged only in combat training, orders on kitchen, cleaning of a potato - not his business. Now the potato will be cleaned with technics. Under plans of Ministry of Defence at each military unit will be special "work" which not only will clean a potato, but also will cut, will pack her in vacuum packing. Three days - working life. Longer in entrenchments and dugouts will not be late.

For other military units variants of maintenance by a feed - from "buffet" (the soldier can eat so much, how many can) before deliveries in military units быстроразмораживаемых semifinished items are offered.

- We tried to order in private structures ready I peep, - the general speaks. - Disposable plates, plastic devices are somehow incorrectly. In a result we have stopped on intermediate variant - the fresh products prepared directly regarding.

Today the soldier - NCO at breakfast can expect for coffee with milk and a sandwich with cheese. And several years ago instead of coffee the drink prepared from "желудей" was. The last year Ministry of Defence has spent 22 billion roubles for purchase of products for army. 1 million 200 thousand soldiers and officers in 2007 have eaten 600 thousand tons of the foodstuffs. One meat - 50 thousand tons.

However the main "food" know-how consists in a mobile feed of army. The new "mountain" ration, presentation in Монине, is the products "sealed" not in cans, and in polyethylene bags.

- It is easier to prepare for them, - major Ruslan Sozinov speaks. - they more калорийны, absolutely take into account specificity of actions of our divisions in mountains., for example, brick - prunes with nuts (it is similar on шоколадку. - "News"). And it is intended not only for meal but also to raise the maintenance of oxygen at the military man. The package for fast разогрева products is simple in the use. It does not demand matches. Has squeezed a package - the product was warmed up.

The modern army is ready to go on inconceivable charges on Soviet times for a feed of soldiers. The usual army ration for the infantryman costs 220 roubles, and for mountain an arrow - 750. But is still the soldering for pilots and submariners.

- During Peter times it was necessary to the soldier of the Russian army of one and a half litre of beer and 150 grammes of vodka. Why today it is not present in a diet? - have asked "News".

- H'm... Taking into account mentality of our people, we do not presume to ourselves it today, - somehow is confused major Sozinov has answered. - But, do not overlook, in the soldering of submariners still there is a red wine...

Soldier's ration: the foot - test of "News"

On July, 24, 2007 edition of the newspaper of "News" has lead the foot - test army food the soldering. Two employees of edition tried " Peas boiled ", " Forcemeat pork сосисочный ", " Sauce tomato sharp. For spesial, " Jam fruit (apple) ", " the Drink milky " Good morning - M " (a substitute of milk) "," the Concentrate of a natural dry drink "Years", " Tea soluble for spescontingent ", " Coffee natural soluble " also put the estimations on a five-point scale. So, peas has received " the three pro chemical послевкусие ", tomato sauce - " the two pro not gastronomic color ", and "four" has got to forcemeat which " hardly is similar to cheap dairy sausages with the plentiful maintenance of a toilet paper ". In a result a mean score the soldering - "is satisfactory". To tell the truth, experts of "News" - in the past fighters of the Soviet Army - recognized, that in field conditions the ration seem is more tasty. On "citizen" the soldier's meal is in another way perceived.


New complexes S-400 will cover capital and the major state objects of the Russian Federation

The Air Forces of Russia plan to cover with antiaircraft - rocket systems S-400 all important state objects of the country. Such application was made by the assistant to the commander-in-chief of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation general - colonel Anatoly Nogovitsin, informs АРМС-TASS.

" Deliveries of arms for the Air Forces in frameworks гособоронзаказа go according to plan. Priority value by way of delivery of antiaircraft - rocket system ZRS S-400 have central and industrial regions. It - capital and the important state industrial targets ", - has noted Nogovitsin.

According to the general, there is a special program of reequipment of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation and antiaircraft - rocket armies on ЗРС ж-400. " And according to this plan, we shall cover all objects, including new samples ", - the general has concluded.

Let's remind, that the last year the first antiaircraft - rocket the shelfs, equipped ЗРК ж-400, has taken up fighting watch in the situated near Moscow city of Elekrostal. In 2008 expansion of the second a shelf in Moscow suburbs and statement of the first ж-400 in system of air defence of Saint Petersburg is expected.

ж-400 Under the characteristics essentially surpass ж-300. Complex ж-400 is capable to intercept all modern means of an air attack, including undistinguished planes and БПЛА. It also can provide antimissile defense on a battlefield, intercepting ballistic missiles with range up to 3500 kilometers, flying with a speed no more than 4,8 kilometers a second.


Voting about C-400 in Belarus

On naviny.by

Results internet-voting

What for Byelorussia complexes С-400?

  • To protect boundaries of the native land — 35 ( 15.3%)


  • To cover Moscow — 47 ( 20.5%)


  • To frighten the NATO — 39 ( 17.0%)


  • Money to put there is no place — 23 ( 10.0%)


  • To resell — 59 ( 25.8%)


  • That in Russia under a fence did not roll — 26 ( 11.4%)




FSB and FSO websites most inaccessible

The Institute for Information Freedom Development (IIFD) has made up the website accessibility rating of the Russian federal executive bodies (FEB) in 2007. The research outsiders are the websites of the Federal Security Service, Federal Guard Service, Federal Penal service and Federal Drug Control Service.

The research was carried within the project ‘Monitoring Official sites of the Federal Executive Bodies’. That has been the third project implemented by the institute since 2005. The given research was held from March to December 2007 and 87 currently existing websites of FEB were studied. Besides, the institute has started two new trends having made up the rating of the executive and legislative bodies of the RF regions.

Six criteria used in assessing the websites – information availability, its completeness, acuteness, accessibility, necessity to a certain agency and social importance – were expanded with coverage of events devoted to priority national projects.

The websites of the Federal Customs Service (11th), Federal Service for Technical Regulation and Metrology (12th), Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (15th), Ministry for IT and communications (19th) and Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communication, Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage (25th), have left the top-ten. The site of the Ministry for economic development and trade has moved from the seventh to the third line, while the Federal Tax Service and Federal Immovable Property Cadastre Agency have worsened their positions insignificantly remaining in the top-ten.


"Кабул должен гореть"

Интересно, жаль, что на немецком языке, но, в общих чертах, понятно...

"Кабул должен гореть"
Цитата генерала Akhtar Абдул Реман Кхана, директора Inter Services Intelligence, Пакистана, в 1980-1987.


Схема из главы Die Rolle der CIA "Роль ЦРУ"

Вольный перевод с немецкого:
"Весной 1979 запасы красной краски были израсходованы. Однако, большинство кабульцев были такими же коммунистами, как редиска, красные снаружи, а внутри - себе на уме...

...бульдозеры должны были зарыть на полях около тюрьмы от Pul-i-Charki братские могилы казненных (Амином). Позднее от свидетелей подтверждено что 30 больших ям было выкопано. К каждой дыре была позднее захоранивалось примерно 100 пленников, которые бросались ночью со скованными руками в отверстия и погребались затем заживо, когда бульдозеры заравнивали могилы."