24.03.2008 00:28 | The Independent newspaper
The discontent of generals civil Minister of Defence gets mass character
In bowels of military department opposition moods in relation to Minister of Defence Anatoly Serdjukovu are formed. In the chapter of this opposition outstanding generals and officers. Such unfavourable conclusion follows from the informal information acting from Ministry of Defence of Russia. Resistance of people in погонах is directed on the reforms started by minister, privatization of military objects, reorganization and significant reduction of the central device of department, his other structures.
The form of the protest while silent - many officers and generals are going to write or already submit the official report on a transfer to the reserve. It not the new phenomenon in the newest history of Russia. But now it, is possible, so and remained unnoticed if among interested persons further to serve at present minister there were no first persons. And among them the first deputy minister - the chief of Joint Staff VS of the Russian Federation general Jury Baluevsky. As inform our sources, it has made it because of disagreement with a policy of reforms whom has planned and Anatoly Serdjukov started to put into practice. There are data (they are now checked), that the official report on dismissal have written some heads of the main and central managements of Ministry of Defence and the Joint Staff. Name including assistant Baluevskogo, the chief of the Main organizational - mobilization management of the Joint Staff, that, that knows an appeal, general - colonel Vasily Smirnova. Let's notice, that the official report about resignation before a voluntary leaving from life general - colonel Victor Vlasov (this post is equated to a post of the deputy minister) has written temporarily исполняющий a post of the chief of Service расквартирования and arrangements of Ministry of Defence.
While official acknowledgement and refutations concerning intention Baluevsky and other generals to leave the posts was not. Informal sources assert, that in a management of the country try to put out in a silent way the conflict between generals and Minister of Defence. At least it is used the best efforts, that about these contradictions have as small as possible learned mass-media. However some military sources independent from each other have informed "IN", that the present chief of the Joint Staff is in « преддембельском holiday », and have told about some details connected to the reasons of dismissal of general Jury Baluevsky.
It appears, Baluevsky for last five months has written three official reports about resignation. The first in November, 2007 when the presidential decree to a new post of the deputy minister had been appointed the adviser and fellow countryman Anatoly Serdjukova the general - major of FSB of a stock Oleg Eskin. It count the native of a command питерцев - Eskin has ended the Leningrad institute of instrument making, then Military academy of communication of a name of Budyonny, long time for various posts served in the staff of Northwest district located in Saint Petersburg погранвойск.
Now Eskin supervises questions of development of the automated control systems, information technologies and communications. Earlier the Joint Staff through subordinated to it directly Management of the chief of armies of communication and the so-called 8 management specializing on closed systems of communication and protection of military secrets was engaged in these questions. For all 200-years history of existence of military department the post of the deputy minister of the defense supervising communication, is entered for the first time. It, in opinion генштабистов, breaks harmonous, years the checked up control system of armies. In their opinion, purpose was subjective and has no any expediency but only brings in management of armies the certain diarchy.
Балуевский disagreed and that some functions of the Joint Staff at him have simply selected. It, as well as many military professionals, disagreed with a hasty conclusion and privatization in Moscow and Northern capital of military objects. The person not disputed, the general some times addressed for the help and support in administration of the president, in the government and to the first vice-premier Sergey Ivanov, but has understood what prove the correctness cannot.
The second official report on dismissal Балуевский has written before the birthday, probably, believing, that it it will draw to itself(himself) attention of a management and the president. However any reaction of the Kremlin to his official report has not appeared. The mass-media have informed that Балуевскому to which 61 year on January, 9, 2008 was executed, the military service is prolonged by the presidential decree to three years. The virtual private trust of the president, probably, for a while has inspired the general of army, and on January, 19 it has addressed to at scientific conference of Academy of military sciences with the report on problems of national safety of Russia at the present stage. There it for the first time has publicly declared, that the Navy from Moscow to Petersburg disagree with translation Главкомата. That, as experts consider, lobbies Anatoly Serdjukova's environment. And on January, 25 on the occasion of the 245-anniversary of creation of the Joint Staff of Armed forces of Russia Балуевский has acted with clause in the newspaper of Ministry of Defence « Red star » where has as though reminded Сердюкову of the leading part of the Joint Staff « in forecasting and an estimation of an international situation, in formation of offers to a military-political management of the country in sphere of maintenance of national safety ».
All this it is underlined correct struggle Балуевского against innovations Сердюкова has not brought significant results. At the end of February the general has written the third official report. Sources mark, that last drop became death of general Vlasova, and also "unfairly scale" reorganization of Ministry of Defence planned by minister and the Joint Staff. In substantiations on possible reduction of the central device the chief of Main operative management ГШ general - colonel Alexander Rukshin, for example, has offered figure - 20 %. And Сердюков her has corrected on 40 %.
Why so elite generals strongly resist to his innovations? Why they against landslide reductions, privatization and sale of military objects? Questions - very serious. They concern military safety of the country. And, probably, in a position of professional Baluevskogo too there is a correctness.
On some data, Балуевскому have called from the Kremlin and have suggested to not hurry up supposedly descend in holiday, will dismiss, but later, after inauguration of the new president. In a management of the country now distinctly understand, that change of the political leader in Russia should pass without serious consequences and predictedly for a society. As the original stabilizing factor here the generals and it олицетворение - Jury Baluevsky, certainly, acts. Though selection of candidates for supervising posts in military department causes weight of questions.
The majority of present heads of Ministry of Defence have not passed large army posts, were not at war in hot points. The same new promoted worker of the Kremlin, the ex-adviser of president Alexander Burutin whom designate on place Балуевского, did not oder about even a battalion. The general son serves in corridors of Arbat military district already almost 20 years. Together with it the commanders of military districts past Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic apply for posts НГШ. But, probably, their chances it is insignificant are small.
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